Is it Worth it?

This past week, I’ve had to make some very tough decisions. One of those decisions was to break off a relationship. 

The end of relationships really make us question ourselves. Why didn’t it work out? What did I do wrong? Who is at fault? These questions are hard to answer, and they really are not important in the long run. What’s really important is that you realized the relationship was not worth dealing with whatever it was that went wrong. 

What makes doing anything worth the effort? The reward? The feelings it stirs within us? I think it’s something different for every situation. For example, romantic relationships are only worth the effort that is put into them if you feel like you are getting the same effort back. In my experience with romantic relationships, the most effort comes from communicating with your partner and expressing feelings in a healthy manner. Not doing these two things can cause a relationship to crumble, even platonic ones. 

The key to knowing if something, especially relationships, are worth the effort and time is taking inventory of your feelings. Make sure that you remember why you are doing something. Don’t just keep going with something because it’s familiar. Make sure it is still worth it.